School Information

Brentwood Park Elementary School is located in North Burnaby and has a population of approximately 630 students enrolled in Kindergarten through Grade 7, organized into 27 divisions. It is a growing community due to the great deal of development in the Brentwood area. Students leaving Brentwood Park after grade 7 typically live in the catchment area to attend Alpha Secondary School.

A wide variety of cultures and ethnic backgrounds are represented in our school community, with approximately 40% of our students as English Language Learners (ELL). We offer support to our students of Indigenous ancestry, approximately 2% of our population, as well as provide learning opportunities to the staff and students of Brentwood Park around Indigenous history, heritage and culture as part of our commitment to Truth and Reconciliation. We are also committed to continually learning and growing in areas of anti-racism and strive to embrace diversity and equity for all.

Approximately 6% of our student population are identified as having ‘low incidence’ special needs including: autism, moderate to profound intellectual disability, physical dependency and/or chronic health impairment, or intensive behaviour and/or serious mental health challenges.

Another 5% of our population are identified as having ‘high incidence’ special needs including: learning disabilities, mild intellectual disabilities, and moderate behaviour and/or mental health challenges.  There are numerous non-enrolling teachers and Educational Assistants (EAs) who support students with special needs, students who require learning assistance, and students who are learning the English language.  

Students with special needs are integrated into classrooms of age-appropriate peers with the support of Learning Support Services (LSS) staff and Educational Assistants (EAs).  We have a wheelchair accessible playground which was made possible by the fundraising efforts of our Parent Advisory Council (PAC). We also have a part-time counsellor, full-time teacher librarian and administrative staff supporting the students of Brentwood Park.

Our school offers a range of curricular and extra-curricular programs thanks to a dedicated group of staff and parent volunteers who add richness to the school culture.  Students participate on school athletic teams, show their talents in musical, artistic, and dramatic presentations, and celebrate student learning during community gatherings.  Students have opportunities to challenge themselves, assume various leadership roles within the school, and contribute to the wider community.